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Platelet Rich Fibrin Therapy (PRF)

Faster Healing for
An Easier Recovery

Dr. Foust wants his patients to be comfortable throughout the entire wisdom tooth extraction process, and this includes after the procedure as well. This is why he provides PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) therapy for wisdom teeth removal in Katy, TX that’s designed to help with a speedier healing process while also helping to reduce post-treatment swelling and discomfort. What is it? How does it work? You can find out below, and if you have any questions, be sure to give us a call.

Benefits of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Therapy for Wisdom Teeth removal in Katy, TX

What is Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Therapy?

Animated blood platelets

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a substance created by taking a small sample of a patient’s blood and placing it in a centrifuge. Spinning the blood at a high speed separates the plasma from the PRF, which is rich in not only platelets, but other healing proteins and growth factors that stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. It has been used in a wide variety of dental procedures for years, and it’s especially helpful when it comes to oral surgery.

How Does PRF Therapy Work?

Blood and plasma separated in test tube

Before Dr. Foust extracts your wisdom tooth, some of your blood will be drawn (about the same amount needed for a normal test) to create the PRF. Then, once the procedure is over, the PRF plug is laid into the extraction site.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin Benefits with Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Dentist checking patient's smile after wisdom tooth extraction and P R F thearpy

Thanks to PRF therapy, Dr. Foust can not only help make recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction more comfortable, but he can also aid in lowering the risk of common problems to create a much smoother experience.

Lowers Risk of Dry Socket

Smiling teen after P R F treatment

Without PRF, the risk of a patient developing a dry socket is about 1 in 10, but with PRF, that drops to about 1 in 100. Since Dr. Foust believes PRF after extractions is so important, he offers this treatment option for his cost only to each of his patients!

Reduces Post-Op Discomfort & Bleeding

Woman receiving postoperative exam

PRF enables the oral tissues to heal themselves at a much more accelerated rate, which  helps reduce swelling, pain, and bleeding, allowing a patient to get back to their normal life and resume their regular diet as soon as possible.

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Woman with healthy smile after wisdom tooth extraction