Dr Foust works to connect with his patients, and through this understanding, makes suggestions that would be most suitable. Nothing makes him happier than to hear his patients ask, “That’s it?” at the end of a procedure. Equally rewarding is that he provides his patients with the best possible care.
How about knowing him better? Read on to find out more...
As a counselor for Eagle University, I was a part of the youth success program which granted students a 7-year career head-start in the field of their choice. Towards the end of the program, students are given the opportunity to interview professionals from diverse industries and professions. While I was busy observing several discussions, a dentist approached me and inquired what I wanted to do after college.
I told him that I was considering becoming a doctor and he suggested dentistry. We got talking, and the discussion motivated me to explore the subject. The more I delved, the more fascinated I became by this profession which required a deft combination of artistry and engineering. Having switched paths, I eventually paired with a mentor dentist at Texas A&M University and haven’t looked back since.
I underwent the initial training in dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. On completion, I went on to accept the Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency in Laredo, during which I focused on oral surgery procedures and IV sedation. Much of my residency was spent in performing complicated surgical procedures on patients, both healthy and medically compromised. It was during this phase that I developed a passion for conducting extractions and soon opted to focus on wisdom teeth.
I have successfully conducted more than 25,000 wisdom tooth extractions, which I regard as an important milestone of my career. Equally valuable is my achievement of 7000+ sedations.
In addition, I enjoy lasting relationships with other dental professionals whose dental offices I am blessed to work in.
Having been trained in ACLS, my annual schedule features completing the stipulated number of hours in sedation safety as part of continuing education. I also conduct training sessions for my team and also fellow dentists and their staff on patient safety and emergency prevention/ response.
To keep abreast of the latest advancements and research pertaining to the field, I hold memberships of organizations such as the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology
Patient safety is always uppermost in my mind. Therefore, no matter how many patients I have to attend during the day, I make it a point to follow ADA and CDC guidelines for infection control.
I love water in any form – lakes, rivers, sea, or ocean. At home, my wife Stacey and our four children – aged 18, 16 and 8-year old twins – ensure that I remain occupied all the time.
I am also a regular church-goer and have been involved with various charitable organizations, like Sleep in Heavenly Peace which is aimed at ending child bedlessness. Subsequent to Hurricane Harvey, I participated in various programs to help families in Houston recover from the physical and mental trauma and to rebuild their homes.